
When workers lead, good things happen

When workers lead, good things happen

Happy May Day! Each worker's struggle won or lost is a step toward a better world.

BY: Communist Party USA| May 1, 2022
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Why we need women in the struggle

Why we need women in the struggle

Recruiting, mentoring, and elevating working-class women should be a priority.

BY: Taryn Fivek| April 15, 2022
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In “Time for Socialism,” Picketty overlooks the class struggle

In “Time for Socialism,” Picketty overlooks the class struggle

A review of Thomas Picketty's "Time for Socialism."

BY: John Case| January 19, 2022
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Chinese Communist Party and fraternal political parties meet

Chinese Communist Party and fraternal political parties meet

A summit on what democracy is, and is not.

BY: Callum Wilson| January 14, 2022
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Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

A review of Frank Chapman's Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism.

BY: Timothy V Johnson| December 16, 2021
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