Plus, Vietnam CP celebrates its 95th, Belgian workers strike against austerity, and Sudanese Communists denounce dueling military juntas, calling for a U.S.-supported arms embargo.
10,000 workers across Colorado are striking to demand Kroger end its union busting and bargain in good faith. We call on all working people to stand with UFCW Local 7.
Workers at Amazon, Starbucks, and United AirlinesĀ are demanding better pay and working conditions. We call on all people of good will to support them this holiday season!
The CPUSA expresses our full support for the ILA union workers and call on our members, friends, and allies to join the picket lines.
The 17,000 AT&T workers in the southeastern region represented by the Communication Workers of America (CWA) have reached a tentative agreement after being on strike for over a month....