working class

How the ruling class does it: 7 strategies to stay in power

How the ruling class does it: 7 strategies to stay in power

The ruling class is a social actor bent on undermining democracy.

BY: Anita Waters| September 9, 2022
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Imperialism and socialism will not mix

Imperialism and socialism will not mix

The question of an "imperialist" agenda is an existential issue in the advance toward socialism.

BY: John Case| August 2, 2022
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Imperialism isn’t the solution to capitalism’s woes

Imperialism isn’t the solution to capitalism’s woes

Is the world experiencing a new, competing imperialist system?

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| July 1, 2022
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As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

To fight the extreme right, we need a broad movement.

BY: Michael Arney| June 16, 2022
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The Marxist Classes: Redefining working-class USA and working-class culture

The Marxist Classes: Redefining working-class USA and working-class culture

How do we define the working class, and what do working class people have in common? What challenges to the U.S. working class have emerged in academia in recent decades?

BY: Communist Party USA| May 14, 2022
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