Anita Waters

Anita Waters

What is public opinion on organized labor?

What is public opinion on organized labor?

Is organized labor viewed more favorably or less favorably than it used to be? The answer is not what you might think.

BY:Anita Waters| January 2, 2020
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The power of mobilizations of public workers

The power of mobilizations of public workers

Mobilization of workers through effective leadership is the best way of protecting and promoting working-class interests. This is especially evident in the organization of public workers.

BY:Anita Waters| December 18, 2019
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Marx on the metabolic rift: how capitalism cuts us off from nature

Marx on the metabolic rift: how capitalism cuts us off from nature

Capitalism cuts human society off from the rest of the natural world.  A Marxist environmental policy must examine the two in their interaction.

BY:Anita Waters| October 11, 2019
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Defeating “dog whistle politics”:  A critical review

Defeating “dog whistle politics”: A critical review

  The author of Race and Economic Jeopardy for All: A Framing Paper for Defeating Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Hany López, is a law professor at University of California Berkeley,...

BY:Anita Waters| November 4, 2018
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Stop blaming workers for the rise of authoritarianism

Stop blaming workers for the rise of authoritarianism

Pretending that authoritarian ideas arise organically from the working class itself, it hides the relationship between authoritarianism and the economic policies of the ruling class.

BY:Anita Waters| September 10, 2018
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