Cameron Orr

Cameron Orr

NY coalition protests corporate backers of fascism

NY coalition protests corporate backers of fascism

Fighters for democracy in NY put a spotlight on the Wall Street interests pushing a fascist agenda.

BY:Cameron Orr| November 9, 2022
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New struggles on old foundations: the youth question today

New struggles on old foundations: the youth question today

An in-depth look at the role of young people and the Young Communist League in the struggle for our future.

BY:Cameron Orr| November 3, 2022
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CP and YCL chalk up new members in Manhattan

CP and YCL chalk up new members in Manhattan

A new lunch time custom is building the party and YCL in lower Manhattan.

BY:Cameron Orr| August 31, 2022
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All out for June 18!

All out for June 18!

Gearing up for the Poor People's Campaign March on Washington.

BY:Cameron Orr| June 8, 2022
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