CPUSA International Department

CPUSA International Department

Biden bombing Syria continues two decades of U.S. aggression

Biden bombing Syria continues two decades of U.S. aggression

The U.S.'s deadly Middle East adventurism continues under Biden's watch.

To our comrades in Vietnam: Solidarity!

To our comrades in Vietnam: Solidarity!

As the Communist Party of Vietnam prepares for its 13th Party Congress, we in the CPUSA wish our comrades in Vietnam much success on their continued path of building socialism.

Solidarity with the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party

Solidarity with the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party

Congratulations to the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party on the occasion of its the 11th National Congress.

From Michigan to Greece, neo-fascist groups on the rise

From Michigan to Greece, neo-fascist groups on the rise

The militia groups plotting against Michigan's governor are the face of American fascism.

Marxist IQ: Du Bois answers

Marxist IQ: Du Bois answers

d. All of the above. (correct) c. The major question of the 20th century will be the question of the color line; (correct) c. Seeing the “talented tenth,” those with...