CPUSA Labor Commission

CPUSA Labor Commission

Solidarity with Iran’s striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers! Solidarity with the Tudeh Party of Iran!

Solidarity with Iran’s striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers! Solidarity with the Tudeh Party of Iran!

Solidarity with the 20,000 striking workers in Iran’s oil, gas, and petrochemical industry.

Show solidarity with striking auto workers

Show solidarity with striking auto workers

Find out how you can support UAW workers in their fight.

BY:CPUSA Labor Commission| September 21, 2023
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Now’s the time to organize the unemployed

Now’s the time to organize the unemployed

The CPUSA Labor Commission reports on the Party's efforts to organize the unemployed.

BY:CPUSA Labor Commission| June 15, 2020
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All out support for striking autoworkers!

All out support for striking autoworkers!

Our job in this struggle is to help people find ways to express solidarity and stand with the strikers.

BY:CPUSA Labor Commission| October 15, 2019
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An energized union rank and file: key to defeating Trump lockout

An energized union rank and file: key to defeating Trump lockout

Signs point to a new nationwide, even worldwide, wave of strikes and other worker resistance in response to corporate attacks and growing inequality.

BY:CPUSA Labor Commission| January 31, 2019
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