David Trujillo

David Trujillo

Mexican-American/Chicano(a) identity and the fight for equality

Mexican-American/Chicano(a) identity and the fight for equality

Our Party has a unique role to play in relation to the fight for equality of the Mexican-American/Chicana/o communities.

BY:David Trujillo| May 21, 2024
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LA trade union club members learn, share, recharge at Chicago labor meet

LA trade union club members learn, share, recharge at Chicago labor meet

Members of the Los Angeles CP trade union club had a rich experience at the Labor Notes conference.

BY:David Trujillo| April 20, 2018
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Are these workers really “unorganizable”?

Are these workers really “unorganizable”?

Some questions for consideration regarding organizing professional and highly skills; Are unions viewed as an outdated organization(s) that no longer have a vital function to perform? Is the decline of...

BY:David Trujillo| May 1, 2016
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Convention Discussion: On “Unorganizable” Workers

Convention Discussion: On “Unorganizable” Workers

Submitted by David Trujillo, a member of the CPUSA National Labor Commission from Los Angeles.

BY:David Trujillo| March 18, 2014
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