Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Bill Maher, Karl Marx, and “identity politics”

Bill Maher, Karl Marx, and “identity politics”

Sorry Bill, identity and class matter.

BY:Joe Sims| May 3, 2017
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The radicalization process and the Communist Party

The radicalization process and the Communist Party

The radicalization process is driven at lightening speed by the internet, social networks and social media giving rise to revolutions, counter revolts, and unprecedented social change.

BY:Joe Sims| April 19, 2017
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Bannon banned from NSC: Is the White House next?

Bannon banned from NSC: Is the White House next?

It's time to keep the pressure on!

BY:Joe Sims| April 5, 2017
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Presented to the CPUSA National Committee, November 19, 2016. For the first time since the launch of our websites many years ago we have full fledged platform at  That...

BY:Joe Sims| November 21, 2016
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