Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Turning point in freedom road

Turning point in freedom road

Post-election turning point: The continuing fight and the Party's role in it.

BY:Joe Sims| January 30, 2021
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The Pugilist

The Pugilist

A Christmas story about battles won and lost, some lessons drawn and why we struggle on.

BY:Joe Sims| December 27, 2020
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Our approach to the new administration (video)

Our approach to the new administration (video)

Regardless of who holds power, the issue is struggle, struggle, struggle.

BY:Joe Sims| December 18, 2020
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The popular front is dead! Long live the popular front!!

The popular front is dead! Long live the popular front!!

Keeping the anti-Trump movement as united as possible will be vital.

BY:Joe Sims| December 9, 2020
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Let’s bring back the “plus.” Here’s why

Let’s bring back the “plus.” Here’s why

The "plus" we add to the people's struggles.

BY:Joe Sims| December 4, 2020
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