Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Reflections on the communist movement, democracy and the resistance

Reflections on the communist movement, democracy and the resistance

An interview with Joe Sims, Co-Chair of the CPUSA, on where the Party and the people's movements stand today.

BY:Joe Sims| March 25, 2020
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An open letter on the Coronavirus crisis

An open letter on the Coronavirus crisis

  Our class and people are faced with a health, economic, and political crisis of unprecedented proportions. The Trump Administration's denial and inaction in response to the rapid spread of...

BY:Rossana Cambron And Joe Sims| March 22, 2020
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Biden, Sanders, the socialist moment and the black vote

Biden, Sanders, the socialist moment and the black vote

Fighting for that future means respecting the independent self-organization and self-determination of the Black vote and perhaps even learning something from it.

BY:Joe Sims| March 11, 2020
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Bernie Sanders is not a communist – I should know

Bernie Sanders is not a communist – I should know

Trump’s Big Lie must be rejected—before it’s too late.

BY:Joe Sims| February 15, 2020
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Marxism Reloaded

Marxism Reloaded

Has the time come for 21st century Manifesto?

BY:Joe Sims| February 2, 2020
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