Roberta Wood

Roberta Wood

Roberta Wood, Secretary-Treasurer of the Communist Party, is a retired journeyman industrial instrument mechanic. A lifelong union activist, she was a founding co-chair of the United Steelworkers District 31 Women's Caucus. She writes on labor issues for A Chicagoan, Roberta is married to Steelworker retiree Scott Marshall. Scott and Roberta have four daughters and seven grandchildren.

Marxism in the era of Amazon and Uber

Marxism in the era of Amazon and Uber

Capitalists go to great lengths to call members of today’s working class anything but workers (instead they are labeled everything from “contractors” and Wal-Mart “associates” to “day laborers” and prison...

BY:Roberta Wood| September 11, 2018
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12 reasons why Trump is no peace maker

12 reasons why Trump is no peace maker

Trump is presiding over the biggest military build up in history.

BY:Roberta Wood| August 17, 2018
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The working class in contemporary capitalism

The working class in contemporary capitalism

Today the emergence of the new work force in the “service” sector also demands new forms of organization.

BY:Roberta Wood| July 20, 2017
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