Taryn Fivek

Taryn Fivek

Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech

Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech

As struggles for equality intensify, fascist rhetoric and violence is also on the rise — aided by social media moguls and GOP contenders alike. How can we best respond?

BY:Taryn Fivek| October 2, 2023
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Trump faces the music: the scene outside

Trump faces the music: the scene outside

With Trump in court, the struggle for democracy advances toward a more "equal and exact" application of the law.

BY:Taryn Fivek| April 5, 2023
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To advance democracy, monopoly must be defeated

To advance democracy, monopoly must be defeated

Monopoly develops as a natural outcome of capitalism, and is a threat to democracy itself.

BY:Taryn Fivek| March 10, 2023
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We need solutions, not slogans

We need solutions, not slogans

We desperately need solutions -- workable alternatives from organizers, trade unionists, activists, and economists alike.

BY:Taryn Fivek| August 5, 2022
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How to avoid the mother of all recessions

How to avoid the mother of all recessions

Hint: It has to do with student debt.

BY:Taryn Fivek| July 15, 2022
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