Taryn Fivek

Taryn Fivek

Why we need women in the struggle

Why we need women in the struggle

Recruiting, mentoring, and elevating working-class women should be a priority.

BY:Taryn Fivek| April 15, 2022
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Lipstick on a pig: The attempts to prettify fascism

Lipstick on a pig: The attempts to prettify fascism

Right-wing thought dressed up in Left rhetoric.

BY:Taryn Fivek| December 22, 2021
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Inflation: Class conflict deferred

Inflation: Class conflict deferred

Why inflation is not the working class's problem.

BY:Taryn Fivek| July 2, 2021
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Engels at 200: Struggle for socialism in the real world

Engels at 200: Struggle for socialism in the real world

Engels saw reality for what it was and then applied dialectical materialism to chart a way forward.

BY:Taryn Fivek| November 30, 2020
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