Timothy V Johnson

Timothy V Johnson

Timothy V Johnson is a member of the African American Equality Commission CPUSA.

Anti-racist struggle is required to build unity and defeat fascism

Anti-racist struggle is required to build unity and defeat fascism

Their biggest fear is a united working class able to challenge the reign of capital. No worker, including white workers, has a material interest in maintaining such a system.

BY:Timothy V Johnson| May 7, 2024
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Anti-monopoly democracy — a transitional stage

Anti-monopoly democracy — a transitional stage

The 100-year development of united and popular front concepts is based on Lenin's concepts of transitional forms and combining the struggle for democracy with the struggle for socialism.

BY:Timothy V Johnson| February 1, 2024
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Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

A review of Frank Chapman's Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism.

BY:Timothy V Johnson| December 16, 2021
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