Marxist IQ: April assortment (answers)

Marxist IQ: April assortment (answers)

1. The Chinese revolution was different from the Russian revolution, although both were led by revolutionary socialist parties, in that


a. the poor peasants and landless rural laborers played the central role as supporters of the Chinese Communist party and fighters of the Peoples Liberation Army.
b. the landlord class and foreign imperialists were the main enemies as against the semi-feudal Czarist aristocracy and nascent Russian capitalist class.
c. the Chinese revolution benefited from the existence of the Soviet Union, while the Russian revolution had no state providing it with aid and acting as a deterrent to its enemies.
d. all of the above


2. From Karl Marx’s address to the first International in 1864 to today, the Marxists of the world have promoted which policy regarding wars between nations?


c. Calls for workers to act in solidarity to oppose wars between nations and to end such wars when they occur without annexations and occupations


3. Marxists and Communists have seen such working-class reforms as old-age pensions, called Social Security in the United States, and national public health care, as


c. necessary to advance working-class struggles but not sufficient in themselves to establish socialism.


4. When Marxists and the CPUSA have talked of the “general crisis of capitalism,” they have meant which of the following?


b. The global overproduction and consequent falling rate of profit created by monopoly capitalism/imperialism


5. For most Marxists, the working class consists of


a. all wage workers and non-managerial salaried employees.


6. Which of the following describes the attitude of Marxists and the CPUSA toward capitalist parties like the Democratic Party?


c. Advance policies to empower the working class in all mass organizations and support or oppose candidates in elections tactically in regard to the interests of the working class



0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!
1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.
2 to 3 wrong: Class-conscious worker – study harder.
4 to 6 wrong: Danger! deviations possible. study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!