Marxist IQ: Celebrating revolution (answers)

Marxist IQ: Celebrating revolution (answers)

1. Marxists and Communists long have seen the American revolution as


c. a bourgeois democratic and anti-colonial revolution.


2. Six decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, some of the first workers’ parties in the world were founded in the 1830s in


b. New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.


3. After the American revolution triumphed, the U.S. became a haven for radicals fleeing into exile. The first generation of Marxists and socialists in the U.S. were


a. German and other refugees from the revolutions of 1848.


4. Which of the following was not a Communist slogan?


c. We want a piece of the action


5. Marxists and Communists in the U.S. have long contended that the great lessons of July 4 can be found mostly in the writings and life of which of the following?


b. Tom Paine


6. Marxists and Communists believe that the contradiction and failure of the American Revolution was


c. the role played by slaveholders in the revolutionary leadership and the compromises made with slavery in the later constitution.


7. After World War II, U.S “cold warriors” feared the spread of socialist revolutions if they were not defeated with military force (called the “domino theory”) in part because the American Revolution


a. helped encourage the French Revolution within a decade.
b. encouraged anti-colonial revolutions against the Spanish Empire within Latin America within a generation.
c. encouraged oppressed people to adapt ideas of “liberty” and later “democracy” to their own conditions.
d. All of the above



0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!
1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.
2 to 4 wrong: Class-conscious worker – study harder.
5 to 7 wrong: Danger! deviations possible. study and then study some more lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!