Marxist IQ: May Days past and Marxism today (answers)

Marxist IQ: May Days past and Marxism today (answers)


1. The first May Day demonstrations by labor and socialist organizations were scheduled for May 1,1890 to


c. call for demonstrations throughout the world demanding legislation for an eight-hour day and workers’ rights.


2. The inspiration for the first May Day demonstrations came from


c. the May 1, 1886 U.S. demonstrations by workers which resulted in the Haymarket Massacre.


3. Karl Marx, looking at the world this May Day, would say that


a. the U.S. today, in the name of “free markets and democracy,” had created the greatest empire in history, just as Britain had done in his lifetime in the name of “progress and civilization.”


4. Lenin, looking at the world today, would see


a. the imperialist powers using nationalist and separatist groups as pawns in imperialist wars.
b. further evidence that he was right in that imperialism was capitalism’s final stage, leading both to global militarism and world war to redivide the world, and to socialist revolutions to save and advance civilization.
c. the increased importance of revolutionary vanguard parties (Communist parties) to organize and educate the working class to address the multifaceted global crisis.
d. All of the above


5. Marxists, looking at the world this May Day, would argue that


b. capitalist “globalization” is the basis of a deepening global economic crisis — not a solution to this crisis — that functions as capitalism’s “gravedigger.”


Your score:
0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!!
1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join the party.
2 to 3 wrong: Developing Marxist. Keep studying and stay in the struggle!
4 to 5 wrong: Danger! Deviations possible. Study, and then study some more, lest you drift into the marsh of opportunism!