As people the world over know, the celebration of May Day as a labor holiday began in connection with the events that transpired on and around May 1, 1886 in...
Our country and the world are going through an exceedingly dangerous period. I suppose one could imagine a more ominous time, but I cant think of one. We have fought...
We are living through a very dangerous period. The Bush Administration and most Republicans in Congress are using the events of September 11th to push their reactionary agenda: imperialist aggression...
The following is an excerpt from a report to the Communist Party's national committee, elected at its convention in July. The national committee met Oct. 20-21 in New York.
When our topic is "women and socialism," should we speak about the past or the future? We Communists look to the future-socialism. And we have theory (Marxism) as well as...