Resolution based on the report and discussion of the National Committee, January 23, 2021. Adopted by the National Board, February 3, 2021
Our country is at a turning point moment, but this has to be fought for and won. We are at this moment because of the large-scale resistance and organizing, strikes, and uprisings over the last four years.
We have to continue to focus on fighting the right-wing danger while keeping our eyes on the prize of responding to working-class and people’s needs — building the unity required to defend democracy against the fascist threat and demanding transformative change. The doors are wide open to organize the unorganized and build a movement of the unemployed.
During the first 100 days, grassroots pressure will be crucial to overcome obstruction, filibuster, and further coup attempts. Pressure is crucial to win emergency relief, undo the harm and move forward for the needs of the multi-racial working class to address the crises of COVID-19, the economy, systemic racism, and climate change. In our states and communities we will organize to:
1. Enact the $1.9 trillion comprehensive COVID relief package, $2,000 individual relief, a $15 minimum wage, relief for renters and student debt, and aid to states and municipalities.
2. Expose and halt fascist forces including a special all-people’s commission to determine how the coup attempt on January 6 was funded, organized, and executed. Removal from office of those who participated.
3. Pass the PRO Act to remove barriers to workers organizing into unions, massive green infrastructure job creation, racial justice equity, and all the measures in the Workers First Agenda put forward by the AFL-CIO.
4. Support the seven planks of the People’s Agenda developed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus with the Poor People’s Campaign, including legislation to dismantle racism, restore and expand the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, enact statehood for the District of Columbia, create a just immigration system, hold corporations accountable, and shift funds from military to human needs.
5. Continue our efforts to build a united movement of the unemployed by working with all affected and their organizations and communities.
The Communist Party fights for and celebrates those measures that benefit workers and the people, and opposes those that do not. We cannot abide a progressive policy domestically and an imperialist one abroad.
We as the Communist Party should quickly issue our own Emergency Relief Unity Program that embraces the movements’ demands, includes everyone regardless of immigration status, holds finance capital and capitalism responsible and offers a working-class foreign policy.
We are committed to the long, hard, persistent educational, ideological, and political work it will take. We are not giving up on any section of our class. While addressing economic and social problems, we must stand up and expose racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-communism, all staples of the GOP campaign.
Systemic and institutionalized racism, poverty, and war are embedded in the profits-first capitalist system. The crises we face are reflective of corporate greed and domination that drives the capitalist system. As Communists we welcome those into our ranks who want to work together for socialism to achieve a more democratic, humane, and sustainable society.
We are committed to uphold our proud legacy and current growth to build the Communist Party, YCL, and People’s World boldly. We’re preparing to run candidates, and we’re going to be out on the street, campuses, and workplaces for the 100 days and beyond to put people and planet before profits..