The temporary ceasefire ended in Gaza today, and the Netanyahu government has continued its genocidal war on Gaza. Why is this happening, and what can we do to stop it?
The war against voting rights continues with the recent decision of the 8th court of appeals that prohibits civil society from suing the government for discrimination. How does the struggle for democracy connect with the struggle for peace?
The EPA has released a plan to replace all lead pipes in the country within 10 years. What forces will need to be overcome to put this plan into action?
Mailbag: I am a teenager in high school. What can a person too young to join a party or organization do, besides reading theory, to further the workers’ movement against capitalism, imperialism, and oppression? I live in a place where there are barely ever any protests. Should I try to help with my father’s union?”
Image: Labor union representatives hold a press conference in front of White House demanding a total and permanent ceasefire as Israel resumed its bombardment on Gaza, photo by Iman (Twitter)