Rest In Peace, Deon Kay. Our condolences to his mother, Natasha Kay, his loved ones, and our whole community. We are in deep mourning after this immeasurable loss. Anger, frustration, and despondence fill our hearts at yet another senseless killing by the police of a Black person.
We will continue our fight to make sure preventable tragedies like these come to an end once and for all. This pervasive devaluing of Black American people’s lives has been plaguing our nation since its formation. We are not expendable. We, the DC-based club of the Communist Party USA, in solidarity with our Metropolitan area and local organizations with shared goals, are determined to continue our political struggle to eradicate this oppressive violence.
We will make sure that the unscrupulous and trigger-happy police officer, Alexander Alvarez, who perpetrated this lynching is brought to justice. We will continue to fight for democratic community control of public safety measures.
The funds being dumped into the current police force are being used at the expense of the people they have sworn to protect. As a result, we will make sure that the Metropolitan Police Department be disarmed, defunded, and subsequently disbanded. The money will instead be transferred to programs that serve and protect our community.
Mayor Muriel Bowser, MPD Chief Peter Newsham, and all city officials who have aided in creating this structural violence are all responsible as well. We have demanded that they step down from their positions of power and be replaced by democratically elected representatives. Democracy promises justice for Deon Kay, and we will not rest until his assassins are brought to justice.
The mainstream media is doing what it does best and is already working to criminalize 18-year-old Deon Kay. The heartless act of taking this child away from his family and his community is inexcusable, no matter what local news outlets allege about Kay’s supposed “wrongdoing.”
The police are supposed to “serve and protect,” but clearly they’re acting as judge, jury, and executioner. This is fascism.
We will not rest until our city and our nation as a whole receive retribution and peace. Until then, we will work alongside our community to heal and push forward. No justice, no peace!
Image: Yash Mori, Creative Commons (BY 2.0).
Other statements: DC CPUSA responds to attack on Cuban Embassy; Trump’s racist dog-whistle on diversification of suburbs; and the growing police repression in DC.