![Welcome to Brooklyn Criminal Court](https://cpusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/STOP.jpg)
Chris Butter’s poem, Welcome to Brooklyn Criminal Court” can be read here. The poem can be listened to as well.
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
busiest court in the world,
last stop before Rikers,
home of shoplift and murders,
home of drinking beer in public view
where in AR1 the attorneys can’t agree
and have to adjourn the case
to February 17
but then the defense attorney
will be out of town
so it is adjourned to February 22
home of the best
and the worst,
where nothing and everything
where you sit with your stenotype machine
in your chair
and it is like taking a walk
around the block of the world
where Martin had a dream
and Malcolm had a nightmare
where Whitman, if he worked here,
(actually a few blocks away)
might have said strangely
the fate of mankind is forged
where you missed the sign over
the metal detector
abandon your theories and weapons
ye who enter here
at least no theories that cannot stand up
to the tears of mothers and the prison industrial complex
no theories that cannot stand up to the screams in the cells
to the hush of the plea bargains in the halls
where the old cannot continue
and the new is not yet born
the system they call it
the system they say
where the clock in Jury 1
always says 7:30
where the urinals back up
and there is gang graffiti
on the bathroom wall
where a lawyer may cost you
but you are always welcome
to come through the
revolving door
where the clerk
bellows order in the court
where the judge wields
a brutal gavel
and the DA wields bail
like a sword
against the forces of darkness
in Brooklyn where everyone is
a minority and yet
the white people rule
where the court officers
scowl at the congregation
and mothers sit in the front row
trying to make sense
of it all
how one minute her son
is walking down the street
and the next minute he is dead
her baby boy
where the heart longs for a pickaxe
where the Latino kid longs
for a human being interpreter
what does mandatory surcharge waived
mean anyway
if walls could talk
what would they say
welcome to Brooklyn Criminal Court
home of shoplift and murders,
last stop before Rikers ,
home of drinking beer in public view
where the commissioner blames the mayor
and the mayor blames the governor
the Post blames liberals coddling criminals
and the demonstrators chant No Justice, No Peace
where if you think police are your friends
you have another thing coming
if you think the poor are always noble and good
you haven’t been to AP 2
where cops have a hard job
to serve and protect
breaking into houses
chasing down suspects
but so do the families
of the people shoved around
waiting until hell freezes over
or the CCRB report
and why so many black lives destroyed
to get the numbers up
and the police walk around
like an occupying army
and shoot first
and ask questions later
and when does the coverup
become worse than the crime
but as we interrogate
the endless crusade
the code words of law and order
freedom is not just
freedom from poverty and want
but freedom from being mugged and burglarized
to send your kids to school
and not die
from the bullets of a drive by shooting
and not be recruited
by the pusher man
and don’t forget
the sign at a demonstration
I saw once outside the courtroom window,
I will never forget
we want safe streets
and we want civil liberties too
where racism is
an ailing air conditioner
people don’t hear in the courtroom
but runs in the background
where sexism is a wink
in the courtroom
and a joke
in the station house
but if you are a single Latina mother
who are you going to call
when every night is
an epidemic of gunshots
if you are a father
who are you going to call
on a block when even the five year olds
can tell you
where the drugs are sold
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where in god we trust
but all others pay cash
where everyone is here to help you
but the offers only go so far
where numbers are important
because they stand for laws
and the only unwritten law is
you don’t bite the hand
that feeds you
where at the candy stand awaits
the army recruiter for the next poor boy
where lady liberty stands tall in the hall
but seems oblivious to it all
and outside the courthouse
freedom’s inscriptions
are worse for wear
but still there
despite the pigeon shit
and the sun and the rain
and the headlines
at the candy stand as you pass
through the metal detector
that tear this city apart
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where your case in arraignments
will be over before you know it
where your case in arraignments
will take you a long time to decode it
just hope you don’t have a warrant
just hope you don’t get sent to Judge Gold
in AP 2
where you can touch the hand
of one who has come back
to the land of the living
in drug treatment court
or, watch your tax dollars
at work at $100,000 a year,
not Harvard
but the moldering lockup
which is what we choose
with Rikers U.
but if you believe the war against drugs
is not also a war
against black and brown people
in the hands of police brought to you
by the same people who bring us
the war to end all wars
and that the answer is
more police more prisons
and not jobs and schools
I have a bridge to sell you
welcome to Brooklyn Criminal Court
East New York,
Sunset Park,
all around the town
where there are two sides
to every story
and the journey is long to where
democracy is
and so few people get there
a trial and to be judged
by a jury of your peers
and what is that about
where you are the court reporter
trained to be a cog in a machine
and take down every word
however ungolden
amazed it is there,
when they ask you
to read it,
but you do
where you get a pass for a while
because you look like
you came to the country
before they did
but that ends pretty fast
once they see you
pushing the envelope
of a politics
where the governor arrives every year
speaking of liberty and justice,
when he is not ordering
cutbacks and layoffs,
where we are the support staff,
and arrive every day
to hold up half the sky,
and the city makes our day
by not falling apart
and just when you think
you have another trial coming
you get ready for it
until it doesn’t
and just when you think
nothing will ever happen
the judge says People call your first witness
and the People do
and maybe a part of you looks down
upon the never ending cavalcade of people
that trudge through these hallowed halls
that are presumed innocent until proven guilty
and maybe you think it is a charity
we are running here for the poor and unfortunate
and it doesn’t matter about the constitution
until maybe the same thing happens to you
a guy who saw it all
but did not come forward
a woman who was raped
and you have to read it back
and the lawyer says he didn’t say that
and the judge says counselor
the record the record speaks for itself
or else the witness for the prosecution
is caught in the web of his own
contradictions, everything comes
together in the Legal Aid lawyer’s
summation one year out of Cardoza Law School,
and just when you think you are going
to have a quiet jury trial
a demonstration outside the courtroom window
the people again shouting, No Justice ,No Peace
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where there was a theory going around
police would start with the broken windows
and the dragnet would trickle up
to the highest drug king pin
there was a theory going round
the economy start with mansions to the wealthy
and housing would trickle down
to the streets of the homeless
there were a lot of theories going down
and a lot of protests
and a lot of police driving around
in militarized squad cars on behalf of the state
the DAs Holtzman Hynes
Thompson Gonzalez
the defense attorneys
Mason Warren
Kuby Wareham
I took them all
where I listened as I typed
and as I typed I thought
someday a change is gonna come
black lives will matter
because all lives matter
and all lives matter because
black lives matter
and the record will speak for itself
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where one man’s law and order
is another man’s occupying army
where one man’s ceiling
is another man’s floor
where a house is raided
without a warrant
by street narcotics enforcement
as if it was not the cause
of the American revolution
where black men are led
in chains through
the halls of the courthouse
as if it was not the cause
of the Civil War
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where the perp walks are staged
for the evening news
the faces of the accused
like deer in the headlights
but the face
of structural racism
is always well hidden
where the new attorney thinks
he is the first
to have thought
of it,
and the ancient court watcher smiles
with the grief of someone
who has seen it all
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court
where judges are nominated
by the Brooklyn Democratic Committee,
and everything
is as transparent as a brick wall,
where prisoners make the chair
a court reporter sits upon,
so prison labor
at 65 cents an hour becomes
a trade union issue,
where the foreperson rises
to render the verdict of the jury
and the defendant waits
with baited breath
where Judge Gubbay asks
what would you change ,
after all you have been through together,
and you say, the prison industrial complex
and just when you think
you finally have a theory about the place,
someone throws a new argument intended
to bamboozle you
but something tells you,
you are on the right track
welcome to
Brooklyn Criminal Court,
busiest courthouse in the world,
last stop before Rikers,
home of shoplifts and murders,
home of drinking beer in public view,
where you can
get warm in winter
if you come through the system
where in summer
you can get cool ,
where the rich
grow richer
and the poor
grow poorer
where justice is a crapshoot
and the struggle is a hard slog
where Frederick Douglas said
no one is free
until everyone is free,
and the conveyor belt
does not stop
for even a moment,
and through the windows
of the courthouse
the sun breaks out
from behind a cloud
and shines down suddenly
upon the walnut table tops
like the blinding blazing radiance
of the truth
–Chris Butters
- Tags:
- poetry