On The Issues

Imperialism turned inward: Fascist coup attempt in D.C.

Imperialism turned inward: Fascist coup attempt in D.C.

D.C. Metro CPUSA: We call on anti-fascist organizers in D.C. to build popular coalitions to defeat the extreme right.

BY: DC Metro Club CPUSA| January 8, 2021
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The systemic, racist police violence must end!

The systemic, racist police violence must end!

In three weeks in December, two African American men were murdered by police. We demand justice for Andre Hill and Casey Goodson Jr.!

The Pugilist

The Pugilist

A Christmas story about battles won and lost, some lessons drawn and why we struggle on.

BY: Joe Sims| December 27, 2020
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Anti-communist attack is a house of cards

Anti-communist attack is a house of cards

A proud card-carrying member responds to an anti-communist attack in the conservative press.

BY: Tony Pecinovsky| December 7, 2020
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I am up with card-carrying communists

I am up with card-carrying communists

A young member responds to an anti-communist attack.

BY: José Santiago| December 2, 2020
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