Submitted by the Washington State Communist Party WHEREAS: There exists an ongoing conflict in the United States over women's rights to self determination of their bodies, and the Party formally...
Submitted by Nick Giannone, Casey Doyle, Chris Persampieri, Jeff Baker, Boston, MA In Massachusetts we have defeated the ultra-right. The Democrats have a super-majority in the state legislature. Deval Patrick...
Submitted by Luis Rivas, Southern California It's a double-edged sword, this noble task of uniting. The Communist Party, USA, is a working class organization that aims to be inclusive of...
Submitted by Juan Lopez, National Vice Chair, Oakland, CA Below are some thoughts on the fight for equality, and campus work. They aren't meant to be comprehensive; rather their purpose...
Submitted by Juan Lopez, National Vice Chair, Okaland, CA Our Party must grow because our nation's people and, at the risk of sounding pretentious, the world's people and Mother Nature...