Submitted by Jarvis Tyner, Executive Vice-Chair, CPUSA I am not for changing our name. I think we can build and large and influential CPUSA in the 21st Century. We can...
Submitted by Teresa Albano, Chicago, IL The purpose of this alternative preamble to the new draft Constitution is three fold: make it shorter and tighter; focus in on the crux...
Submitted by Bernard Sampson, Houston, TX We have seen that there are some ideological differences in our party. I think they all revolve around two things: Doing things the old...
Submitted by Chris Elliott, Los Angeles, CA "No power on Earth can now restore capitalism in the Soviet Union and defeat the socialist community." — Institute of Marxism-LeninismV.I. Lenin, Selected...
Submitted by Dee Myles, Chicago, IL The promotion of the concept of privilege is spreading like wildfire. A class is being taught at Harvard, and everybody is talking about the...