Submitted by Gerald Meyer, a friend from Brooklyn After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Communist movement everywhere fell into disarray. One of the manifestations of this shock was...
Submitted by Wadi'h Halabi, Massachusetts What is the Communist Plus on 'Obamacare'? Whose class interests does the law serve? What's its likely impact? Into the countless struggles against capitalist exploitation...
Submitted by Carole Marks, New Jersey I have been a member of the Communist Party,USA most of my adult life. I can only recall two moments in all my experience...
Submitted by the Dwight - Hill Club, New Haven, Connecticut Communist Party USA Our club, along with other neighborhood clubs in New Haven, is proud to be part of an...
Submitted by Gabe Falsetta, New York, NY I'm not sure where to start, so much to think about. Well, let me start from my first experience meeting a communist. As...