
Freedom and justice for the Iranian people

Freedom and justice for the Iranian people

The Communist Party USA expresses its heartfelt solidarity with the struggles of the Iranian people.

BY: Communist Party USA| February 6, 2018
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The Scalia surprise and the 2016 elections

The Scalia surprise and the 2016 elections

Update Remarks by John Bachtell to the CPUSA National Board, Feb. 17, 2016 Once again, developments underscore the unpredictability and volatility of the 2016 elections. Unforeseen events can intrude, greatly...

BY: John Bachtell| April 15, 2016
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Convention Discussion: Educate the people about democracy

Convention Discussion: Educate the people about democracy

Submitted by David Fields, Fitchburg, WI. The first sentence of the article on democracy in Wikipedia begins "Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally-either...

BY: David Fields| April 18, 2014
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Convention Discussion: Elementary Points on Democracy

Convention Discussion: Elementary Points on Democracy

Submitted by Jim Lane, Dallas, TX To begin with, the Communist Party is an absolute necessity for the future of humanity. The working class is the only class that can...

BY: Jim Lane| April 8, 2014
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Convention Discussion: A Party of Advanced American Democracy

Convention Discussion: A Party of Advanced American Democracy

Submitted by John Case, W. Virginia. "We've never solved one single problem in this country with less democracy. We've never moved forward with less participation." Bill Clinton "What is the...

BY: John Case| March 18, 2014
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