
Is there an anti-racist majority in the USA?

Is there an anti-racist majority in the USA?

Trump's attacks on "The Squad," Lindsay Graham's red baiting, and the role of racism and xenophobia today are all debated in this week's edition.

BY: Communist Party USA| July 18, 2019
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D-Day, and how the war was won

D-Day, and how the war was won

Three-fourths of War World II was fought in the Soviet Union, and why this wasn't talked about during the D-Day events; Biden's flip on the Hyde amendment; racism and the...

BY: Communist Party USA| June 7, 2019
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Pecinovsky discusses CP’s history of fighting racism in campus talks

Pecinovsky discusses CP’s history of fighting racism in campus talks

  Tony Pecinovsky, president of the St. Louis Worker’s Education Center (AFL-CIO), spoke to an audience of 40 people on the campus of North Carolina State University in Raleigh last...

April 30, 2019
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A Seder feast in Manhattan sponsored by the Communist Party

A Seder feast in Manhattan sponsored by the Communist Party

"We raised our glass to the spirit of resistance!"

David Brooks peddles snake oil on race, class, Santorum

David Brooks peddles snake oil on race, class, Santorum

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum...

March 4, 2016
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