Send your ideas to You can submit a written piece or send us a link to a video or audio recording of your contribution. Priority will be given to submissions of 1000 words/7 minutes or less. Written submissions under 200 words may be incorporated into a single article for publication; however, each author will be identified and credited separately.
As you plan your submission, here are some things to keep in mind.
Keep it comradely.
This is a discussion of ideas, not individuals. Name-calling, accusations, or insults have no place in this collective work. As a working class organization, we will not accept contributions that are offensive, profane, defamatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-working class, or anti-communist.
Keep it focused.
Address a specific point and make your argument as directly as possible. If you want to address more than one topic, you are welcome to send more than one submission.
Keep it accessible.
Some comrades have academic training or years of experience in the movement. Others do not. Keep your language as straightforward as possible. Explain special terminology or historical references.
Keep it real.
The most useful contributions will be based on concrete experiences in struggle. We encourage you to bring in personal experiences from movements and campaigns you’ve been involved in. Let people know what worked and what didn’t.
Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be rejected or returned to the author for revision, at the discretion of the editorial committee.