This year on May Day, we celebrate the courage and selflessness of those workers on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In their honor, we issued the May Day Challenge to show your solidarity, and you responded with posters, photos of face masks, music, a video greeting, and even a recipe for a sweet treat. Here are the submissions. Happy May Day!
A Recipe from Susan Gorman
This is the time of year we celebrate Passover (Pesach) and International Workers’ Day both of which honor our working-class culture, values, and history.
Passover commemorates the Jews’ deliverance from slavery in Egypt over 3000 years ago. International Workers’ Day commemorates the May 4, 1886, general strike for an eight-hour day at Haymarket Square in Chicago. The strike became violent at the hands of the police and left an unknown number of demonstrators wounded or dead. Both of these are times to come together to remember our past and celebrate our comradeship.
Holidays are often celebrated with special food, so I offer you two recipes for Haroset, a delicious mixture of nuts, fruit, wine and sweet spices representing the clay from which Israelis made bricks while in slavery—turning the bitter into the sweet! Download the PDF: Haroset recipe for May Day Challenge.
Window Posters from Ivy . . .
. . . and Eric
Music by Arctic Fox, “Project Quarantine”:
“Back to the Future,” painting by Arturo Cambron
Face Masks & Greetings
Arturo & Rossana Cambron
Joe Sims
Cameron Orr
Win Heimer
Scott Hiley
Maicol Lynch
Last, but not least, a special May Day message from Carol and Dave.
Cover image: Strike, painting by Arturo Cambron, courtesy of the artist.
Music notes: Pixabay.
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- May Day