Podcast: Communist Party analyzes the 2010 elections

BY:Political Affairs| November 5, 2010
Podcast: Communist Party analyzes the 2010 elections

Reposted from the all new Political Affairs.net:

On to the Next One: The Communist Party responds to the 2010 elections

On this episode the Communist Party USA offers an initial analysis of the election results in which Democrats suffered a serious setback in Congress, jeopardizing a labor and people’s movement agenda.

Download the mp3 version of #124 – On to the Next One: The Communist Party responds to the 2010 elections



    Political Affairs is an online magazine of ideas, politics and culture. Our mission is to go beyond simply giving an account of events to providing analysis and investigating what is new and changing in our world – from a working-class point of view.

    We start from the most basic fact of life: the ongoing struggle between the working class and the capitalist class. This conflict happens in the workplace, in the government, the courts, on the streets, but also in the realm of ideas. We publish stories on struggling to defeat the ultra right in the Republican Party, strengthening the labor movement, winning the battle for racial justice, ending war and imperialism, winning women's equality, fighting homophobia and presenting working-class views of popular culture and mass media.

    While we are partisan, Marxism is not the private property of any person or group. We print a wide variety of views in our quest for truth. Discussion and debate are the only ways to develop better and more useful ideas to defeat the far right, strengthen working people, and build democracy. Political Affairs is affiliated with the Communist Party, USA.

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