The main slogan of the October Revolution was
d) Peace, bread and land.
2. Lenin in the the period before the seizure of the Winter Palace
c) Explored the possibility of a peaceful transition to power.
3. When Bolshevik leaders Kamenev and Zinoviev refused to accept final plans for the October revolution and held a press conference announcing the Bolshevik’s plans
a) Lenin said they were not personally to blame but reflected the outlook and positions of a particular strata of Russian society.
4. Lenin viewed the October revolution as
d) An event of world-historic importance and a model specific only to Russia’s unique circumstances.
5 John Reed’s Ten Days that Shook the World
d) Became famous for its description of the October Revolution that began on November 7th.
All correct: you have mastered the basics.
Four correct: you’re on the right course: study harder.
Three correct: deviations evident: you need to attend Party school!
Two correct: read Lenin’s April Thesis.
One to zero correct: you’re lost in the marsh! Form a study group: call us on Tuesday.