
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

The fight for public education

Teachers unions and community movements have been fighting back against the privatization effort and have been winning. The Communist Party USA must join them.

BY: Dallas-Fort Worth Club| May 19, 2024
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Call for transgender liberation

The Women’s Collective calls for raising the question of transgender liberation,  to advocate for necessary reforms and to organize to take to build a just socialist world for all.

BY: Women’s Collective| May 19, 2024
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BRICS and the emerging new multilateral world

  This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party’s program, strategy, and tactics are up for...

BY: Duncan McFarland| May 19, 2024
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Fighting alienation, new urbanism, and working class neighborhoods

The New Urbanism Movement helps address concerns raised in convention discussion, particularly climate change.It needs more working class and left influences.

BY: Zach Carlson| May 19, 2024
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Communist media: A general multimedia strategy

The Party must intentionally add its perspective to the media landscape, ensuring political and class consciousness through consistent and high-quality content.

BY: Baltimore club| May 19, 2024
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.