
100 years later: What did Lenin give to the world?

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100 years later: What did Lenin give to the world?

BY: Joe Sims|January 30, 2024

Lenin's contributions to the development of Marxism remain indispensable to today's struggles for democracy, peace, and socialism.

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Engaging millions in mass protest, not violence, is the path to social change

Engaging millions in mass protest, not violence, is the path to social change

BY: Communist Party USA| July 15, 2024
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South Africa moves right despite a hunger for change

If the South African Democratic Alliance was the biggest winner of the elections the biggest loser was the majority of the South African people.

BY: Mark Waller| July 12, 2024
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We owe nothing to candidates and everything to our class

Our vote is a tactical collective action taken in conjunction with millions of other working class and oppressed people, based on the immediate political reality.

BY: Taryn Fivek| July 12, 2024
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Solidarity with Iran’s striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers! Solidarity with the Tudeh Party of Iran!

Solidarity with the 20,000 striking workers in Iran’s oil, gas, and petrochemical industry.

The New Popular Front: The French Left Unites

French Communists (PCF) have united with other anti-fascist forces to contest the elections.

BY: C.J. Atkins| July 10, 2024
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