
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

Cease Fire bulletin, issue 2

Union support for a ceasefire continues to grow, and municipal pressure builds; local CPUSA club actions; and South Africa's genocide charge vindicated.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 26, 2024
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Hudson Valley CP demands a ceasefire

Members of the club joined with others in demanding Representative Pat Ryan call for a permanent ceasefire.

BY: CPUSA Hudson Valley club| January 26, 2024
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D.C. CP joins press conference demanding a ceasefire resolution

The D.C. for Ceasefire Now coalition gathered on Wednesday, January 24 to demand a ceasefire resolution from the D.C. Council.

BY: Jamal Rich| January 26, 2024
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Minneapolis City Council passes veto-proof ceasefire resolution

Comrades participated with city council meetings, distributed the CPUSA Peace Toolkit, and wrote and called city council members all throughout the month of January.

BY: Twin Cities Club, CPUSA| January 26, 2024
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San Diego club lobbies for ceasefire

Members of the CPUSA in Southern California joined a local JVP action demanding Rep. Mike Levin call for a ceasefire.

BY: Janice Rothstein| January 26, 2024
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