
We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.

U.S. leader highlights combative spirit of the Cuban Five

'WE really need to have the same combative spirit as those five heroes, affirmed Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, during a meeting with the relatives of Gerardo,...

May 9, 2006
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Change Congress 2006! (Slideshow Tool)

Here is a PowerPoint slideshow to accompany the article, by Joelle Fishman, Chair of the Political Action Commission. This is a tool available for Party Districts, Clubs, members and friends...

April 14, 2006
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Change Congress 2006!Report to the National Committee

Karl Rove, top Bush advisor now facing possible indictment, arrogantly declared the Republicans will use fear of terrorism once again to win the elections in 2006. It will be about...

March 15, 2006
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Marching, Organizing and Voting to End the War in Iraq: CPUSA Peace Mobilization 2006

Three years into shock and awe, the Bush administrations imperialist war and occupation of Iraq has shattered hundreds of thousands of lives, both in Iraq and in the United States....

BY: CPUSA National Committee| March 11, 2006
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A Call to Action: Defend Democracy, Change Congress in the 2006 Elections!

The Bush-Cheney Administration has plunged our nation into the worst Constitutional crisis since the Civil War. The abuses of power they have committed are legion: an illegal pre-emptive war, lying...

BY: CPUSA National Committee| March 11, 2006
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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.