GrantSpace: resources for individuals, nonprofits, small businesses, and artists.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): resources organized around questions people have about Covid-19.
Centers for Disease Control: information about all aspects of Covid-19.
One Fair Wage: resources aimed at restaurant and other tipped workers who have lost income.
AFL-CIO: resources for all workers, especially those organized in AFL-CIO-affiliated unions.
Union Plus: offers financial, homeowner and healthcare assistance for union members and Families.
National Restaurant Association: industry relief fund for workers.
State of California: information about benefits for workers affected by Covid-19.
Solidarity funds:
Unite Here! is helping hospitality workers impacted by COVID-19.
Indigenous Environmental Network is raising $250,000 to provide mutual aid for indigenous communities.
National Domestic Workers Alliance is providing emergency assistance to domestic workers that enables them to stay home and healthy.
Movement for Black Lives is providing support to Black-led organizations and mapping mutual aid in Black communities.
- Tags:
- Coronavirus
- COVID-19