Our role: Help build the broadest unity to defeat the fascist danger and organize year round to enlarge the people’s movement and the Communist Party.
United We Stand to Defeat the MAGA Right: Study the Main Report to the 32nd National Convention paying attention to the stakes in this election and our role. Club Study Guide soon to be posted at.
Sign and circulate the CPUSA Pledge to help mobilize a collective vote against fascism in November and build the movement for the future.
Develop a campaign hub at cpusa.org geared to mobilization efforts of clubs and districts. Show what is being done across the country and how to get involved including work with labor and community allies. Highlight local election work, relevant People’s World stories and Good Morning Revolution podcasts.
Circulate People’s World articles on the struggle for democracy and the 2024 elections with allies, comrades, and friends. Help clubs and districts prepare local articles that give examples.
One page bi-lingual popular fliers: 1) CPUSA Election Program for 2024. 2) Fascism? Yes. It can happen in America! 3) Vote as if your life depends on it – it does (issues comparison sheet on Project 2025) 4) Also utilize Immigration Myths v Facts pamphlet.
Town Hall (virtual) on how to organize against fascism and for our future at the local level. The issues and how we present the issues as a major step to get out the vote. How we join with all organizations fighting for democratic rights.
Identify key races at state level and Congress where an extreme right-wing candidate can be defeated or where a champion for worker rights can be elected or has to be protected. Assist districts and clubs in developing a strategic approach that builds broad unity to mobilize the vote around issues, working with unions and other people’s organizations.
Possible weekend teams from nearby districts to work with comrades in a key battleground race, to be planned out with our national organization.
Mobilize around ballot initiatives that defend and expand democratic rights to inspire voter participation and turnout.
Provide resources to help clubs build the movement around issues where they are and connect to the urgency of this election for self, kids, parents, community and co-workers. Build a base by going door-to-door to talk issues, register voters, get out the vote, and build relationships through readers of People’s World.
Participate with unions, community and youth groups in door knocking and mass gatherings to build enthusiasm and confidence to defend democracy, register voters, and get out the vote.
Workshops on how to run candidates to assist districts for possible future candidates for local elected office among club members and lay the groundwork with all-out organizing to get out the vote in this election, consulting with state leadership and the Communist Candidates subcommittee of Political Action Commission.
Get involved in your neighborhood and your union. “Labor Votes. It’s Better In A Union” says “We’re voting to protect working people.” There is a section to check your voter registration status and find out where and how to vote in your state and in your specific voting district.
Each state AFL-CIO is organizing Labor Walks for union members to visit union members and find out what is on their mind and how to vote in their own interests. Click here to connect with your state organization.
Working America:
If you are not a union member, you can participate in the AFL-CIO Labor Walks as a member of Working America the AFL-CIO community affiliate. Sign up here to join Working America.
SEIU will concentrate on U.S. battleground states – MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA, NC, PA – plus Senate states MT and OH and key House districts in NY and CA.
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Organizing union retirees to preserve and expand Social Security and get out the vote in swing states. Fliers with congressional candidate scorecards and Project 2025 expose.
Poor Peoples Campaign:
Leading a four-month effort to reach 15 million poor and low-wage, infrequent voters ahead of this year’s elections through intensive organizing around a social justice agenda that can expand democracy and human rights to all people. Contact the Poor Peoples Campaign in your state.
Planned Parenthood Votes We decide 2024:
Pledge: When we vote, we win. By electing reproductive rights champions, helping others make it to the polls, and speaking out, I can help end this assault on abortion rights.
Voto Latino:
Registering young Latino voters ahead of critical deadlines in battleground states like Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Texting and calls from home. Make your vote count: Why Vote, Issues, How to get involved.
Black Voters Matter:
Voter engagement tours to battleground states. IL, MI, OH, PA
NAACP Mobilizing to Vote for Democracy:
National battlegrounds: NV, AZ, TX, MN, MI, OH, PA, VA, NC, GA, FL. Congressional battlegrounds: CA, NE, IL, IN, NY, NJ
Resource hub for campus organizing to get out the vote.
What’s at stake for the LGBTQ community in this election, expose of Project 2025, and get out the vote information. GLAAD election hub.
VOTE 411:
Make a Voting Plan Today. Voter information including registration, what’s on your ballot for every voting district in the country, contacts for election day problems. League of Women Voters Education Fund.