Greeting to the 32nd CPUSA Convention: Palestinian People’s Party

BY:Palestinian People’s Party| June 16, 2024
Greeting to the 32nd CPUSA Convention: Palestinian People’s Party


Dear comrade Joe Sims, Dear comrades in the leadership of CPUSA,

On behalf of the leadership and all members of Palestinian Peoples Party (PPP) we extend to you and through you to all members of your party our congratulations for the successful end of the 32nd national convention of your party hoping you every success in your struggle for better future of your people and the peoples of the world for social justice, peace and socialism.

With this opportunity we would like also to thank you for your firm position of solidarity with the just struggle of our people for ending the ongoing genocide and ending the occupation and self-determination.

Once again receive our congratulations.

International Relations Department PPP

Ramallah Palestine


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