Below are important sample materials that can help move the struggle for immigrant rights forward. The Senate debate is expected in February. Many grass roots organizations are beginning to move. As mentioned in earlier memos we urge the Districts, clubs, activists to raise the issues with their Senators and especially any that are members of the Judiciary Committee. The materials can be adapted to your local situation by coalitions or grass roots groups and/or used by clubs as they are. (PDF versions of flyer and petition are attached.)
Last December, the House of Representatives passed anti-immigrant HR 4437, introduced by GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner (Wis.).
It would make all undocumented workers felons, as well as those who help or work with them including teachers, clergy, union leaders, social workers and family members.
Employers would have to check the Social Security numbers of all their employees.
An environmentally destructive wall would be built along the Mexican border.
Local and state police would be deputized to arrest anyone they think may be without documents. This would vastly increase racial profiling and scare immigrants away from reporting crimes.
This is no solution! It is another way of diminishing the democratic rights of the people in our country. HR 4437 must be defeated in the Senate. Just and workable immigration reform should be passed instead.
What are the reasons for immigration?
Increased immigration is the result of the declining living standards and job displacement caused by NAFTA and other pro-big-business policies pushed by our government. To provide a better future for their families, immigrants are pushed and pulled to come here, at great cost and risk, to live without papers and suffer great indignities. This puts immigrant workers in a vulnerable position and forces them into substandard wages and working conditions. Employers and others use the immigrants vulnerability as a lever to lower living standards and quality of life for all.
Dont buy the big lie.
Immigrants are accused of causing every social problem, and especially of taking jobs and services they are not entitled to. This is not true.
Working people as a whole, including immigrants, pay a larger share of the tax burden than the rich and receive fewer benefits. The profits made from the work of immigrants and all workers are being taxed less and less and sometimes not at all.
Immigrants dont fire or hire people. They do not outsource jobs, downsize workplaces, raise prices or premiums. They are victims of big business too. For more jobs and services, we need to tax exploitative profits!
We need positive immigration reform.
History shows that as long as extremes of inequality exist between countries, labor migration will continue. The pro-corporate policies of our government that impoverish other nations must be changed. Immigration law should protect the interests of both immigrant and non-immigrant workers.
Organized labor and community and religious groups urge the following constructive program for immigration reform:
Legalization with a clear path to citizenship must be allowed for existing undocumented immigrants, and future immigrants, with a priority on family reunification.
Immigrants must be able to participate in labor, religious, civic and cultural activities without fear of deportation.
Guest worker programs have historically been prone to exploitation. Separate has never been equal. Instead, implement improved labor protections and stronger enforcement for immigrants and citizen workers.
Repressive policies like those proposed in HR 4437 must be rejected. They are unjust and counterproductive, and make immigrant workers more vulnerable to exploitation and other injustices.
Immigration policy is scheduled for debate in the Senate in February. Contact and urge your senators today to reject HR 4437 and all repressive anti-immigrant measures, and to vote for legalization of immigrants with a clear path to citizenship and full labor and civil rights for all people. Call the congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
En Diciembre del ano pasado, La Casa de representativos aprobaron una Propuesta en contra los inmigrantes llamado HR 4437, introducido por Congresista Republicano James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin).
Calificara de criminal todos los trabajadores indocumentados y tambin todas las personas que los ayudan o trabajan con ellos, por ejemplo maestros, trabajadores religiosos, lideres de sindicatos, trabajadores sociales y familiares.
Empleadores tendran que examinar las cartas de Seguridad Social de todos los empleados.
Una Pared que pone en peligro el medio ambiente, seria construida a lo largo de toda la frontera con Mxico.
Polica local y estatal serian obligados arrestar personas que ellos piensan que no tiene documentos. Esto incrementara tremendamente trato perjudicial racial, y prevendra denuncia de crmenes de parte de inmigrantes.
Esto no es una solucin. Desminuira los derechos democrticos de la gente de nuestro pas. Se debe derrotar HR 4437 en el Senado. Reforma justa y factible es necesario en lugar de HR 4437.
Cuales son las causas de la inmigracin?
Inmigracin ha incrementado como resultado de condiciones de vida declinando a causa de NAFTA y otra poltica a favor de las grandes corporaciones favorecidos por nuestro gobierno. Para sostener sus familias, inmigrantes estn empujados y jalados a venir aqu a costo grande y con mucho riesgo, viviendo sin papeles y sufriendo grandes indignidades. Esto pone a los inmigrantes en una posicin muy vulnerable con sueldos bajos y mal condiciones de trabajo. Empleadores y otras usan esta vulnerabilidad como un modo de bajar la calidad y nivel de vida para todos.
No traigan la mentira grande!
Los inmigrantes son acusado de causar todos los problemas sociales y particularmente de tomar trabajo y servicios que no merecen. No es la verdad. Trabajadores en general, incluyendo los inmigrantes pagan un porcentaje mas mayor de impuestos de lo que pagan los ricos y reciben menos beneficios que ellos. El provecho producido por el trabajo de los inmigrantes y todos trabajadores estn aumentando menos y menos impuestos y a veces ningn impuestos.
Inmigrantes no desemplean ni contratan. No externalizar trabajos, desminuir lugares de trabajo, aumentan precios ni premios. Son victimas de gran comercio tambin. Para ms trabajos y servicios, necesitamos poner impuestos a los lucros.
Necesitamos reforma positiva inmigratoria.
La historia ha demostrado que cuando hay inequidad entre pases inmigracin laboral continuara. La poltica corporativa de nuestro gobierno que hacen mas pobre otros pases se debe cambiar. Las leyes de inmigracin deben proteger ambos inmigrantes y trabadores no inmigrantes.
Sindicatos, comunidades y grupos religiosos urgen la siguiente programa constructiva para inmigracin reformada:
Legislacin con posibilidad clara de ciudadana debe ser posible para los inmigrantes indocumentados que estn aqu ahora y para inmigrantes futuras con prioridad para reunificacin familiar.
Inmigrantes deben tener posibilidad de participar en uniones, actividades religiosas, civiles y culturales sin temor de deportacin.
Programas de bracero (guest worker) histricamente han resultado en explotacin. Separado pero iguales nunca han sido iguales. En vez de eso, mejor implementar condiciones mejores y hacer respetar la ley para inmigrantes y ciudadanos.
Polticas represivos como la propuesta HR 4437 debe ser rechazado. Son injustas y contra-productivas y hacen aun mas a los inmigrantes a explotacin y otras injusticias.
La poltica inmigratoria estn programada para debate en el Senado en Febrero. Hagan contacto con sus senadores hoy urgiendo rechazo de HR 4437 y de todos las medidas contra-inmigratoria y represivas y que voten a legalizar los inmigrantes con clara posibilidad de ciudadana y derechos civiles y laborales plenos para todas las personas. La oficina central del congreso es: (202-224-3121).
US Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of (insert State here)
We call on you to reject the anti-immigrant repressive measures in HR 4437 and other bills that criminalize immigrants and the citizens who help and work with them.
We urge support for a comprehensive solution that continues our democratic traditions of welcoming immigrants that provides a path to citizenship, protects workers rights, reunites families, is applied with due process, and promotes civic education and participation with support to local communities.
(insert lines for signatures here)
Petition in Spanish:
Senadores y Congresistas de (inserta estado aqu)
Queremos que rechacen los asuntos contra-inmigratoria y represivas en Propuesta HR 4437 y otros propuestos legales que criminalizan a los inmigrantes y a los ciudadanos que los ayudan. Recomendamos una solucin comprensiva que mantiene nuestra tradicin democrtica de dar la bienvenida a los inmigrantes y hacer posible la ciudadana, protegiendo los derechos de trabajadores, reunir las familias aplicable con medidas legales y promueve educacin cvica y participacin apoyada por comunidades locales.
(inserta lneas para firmas aqu)
Dear Senators Dodd and Lieberman,
We are deeply concerned about the upcoming deliberations in the Senate on immigration policy, especially given the alarming provisions of HR 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005.
As immigrant, union, church, civic, civil rights and community organizations in Connecticut representing a broad array of constituencies, we urge you to take a leadership role in the Senate to uphold the rights and contributions of new immigrants.
As a nation of immigrants we have benefited culturally, socially and economically. Yet, especially since 9/11 new immigrants have been targeted by hate groups, and pushed further into the shadows. Rather than make our country safer, punitive measures against immigrants diminish opportunity for everyone.
It is intolerable and unacceptable that in 2006 in our state of Connecticut immigrant workers are frequently subjected to working without pay by employers who anticipate they will not be reported, immigrant families are often charged exorbitant rents for crowded, unsafe conditions by absentee landlords who also do not expect to get reported, financial institutions create regulations that prohibit immigrants from opening accounts, and in-state tuition rates at state institutions of higher learning are denied to children of immigrant parents.
Punitive legislation will not correct these circumstances, and in fact will impede solutions.
We urge that you reject the provisions of HR 4437 entirely and oppose all measures that criminalize undocumented workers and those they relate to. We urge that you oppose all measures that further militarize the border, deny due process, and deputize employers and local and state police to enforce immigration laws.
Rather, we urge that you champion and support legislation that will allow new immigrants to make their full contribution to our nation through legalization, a path to citizenship, family reunification, and protection of worker rights.
A wide range of over 300 national organizations oppose the provisions of HR 4437, including Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, People for the American Way, American Civil Liberties Union, National Council of La Raza, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, AFL-CIO, League of Untied Latin American Citizens (LULAC), and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. By taking a leadership position for immigrant rights, you will represent the aspirations and needs of our state and nation.
We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss further, and look forward to your response.
(insert list of organizations)
Dear Senator Dianne Feinstein:
In finding solutions to this nations immigration problems the House has chosen a path of failure by passing Bill H.R. 4437. I write to urge you to reject and put a stop to this extremist bill passed by the house. H.R. 4437 is enforcement-only legislation that criminalizes immigrants and their families and offers no real solution to our immigration needs. Our immigration system is fundamentally broken, and we need a realistic comprehensive solution not more of the same failed policies like HR 4437.
This bill is harmful to American families, businesses, and communities as well as immigrants. H.R. 4437 criminalizes 11 million undocumented workers; it subjects family members, employers, religious institutions, and others to criminal penalties under broadened definitions of smuggling, harboring, and transporting; it expands expedited removal and mandatory detention; and it creates an unworkable employer verification system that will displace millions of workers and disrupt the economy. All of these provisions will have a far-reaching impact on our nation yet none would solve our very real immigration problems. H.R. 4437 and legislation like it do not put us on a path toward comprehensive immigration reform.
To truly address the immigration needs of this country we need legislation that: reduces the waiting period for immigration visas or citizenship requests to no more than six months; develops a program that will allow immigrant who live in the United States to become legal permanent residents and have the option to become citizens; creates a national integration initiative to help immigrants become full participants in the political, social and economic fabric of the United States; and establishes policies that manage future migration flows into the United States in a way that is legal, secure, and respects human rights.
I urge you to support comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate and stop extremist, enforcement only legislation like H.R. 4437 that alienate immigrants and defy any serious attempt at effective reform.
(insert name and signature)
[Resolution affirming the San Franciscos City of Refuge Ordinance and condemning the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act, HR 4437]
Resolution affirming the City and County of San Franciscos City of Refuge Ordinance and its commitment to providing a safe, healthy and dignified place to live for its immigrant communities, regardless of immigration status and condemning the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act HR 4437.
WHEREAS, The City and County of San Francisco welcomes and values all of its residents whether they be citizens, legal residents or undocumented, and wishes them to work and live free from discrimination, exploitation, and from fear of invasive local collusion with federal immigration law; and
WHEREAS, In 1989, as an _expression of these values, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed the City of Refuge Ordinance which forbids the use of City resources and funds to enforce Federal immigration laws or to gather or disseminate information regarding immigration status of individuals in the City and County of San Francisco; and,
WHEREAS, The City and County of San Francisco supports and is committed to the San Francisco Day Labor Program where workers can find temporary work for themselves and their families without any question of their immigrant status; and,
WHEREAS, On December 16th, the United States House of Representatives passed the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act HR 4437 one of the most egregious, anti-immigrant bills in this countrys history; and,
WHEREAS, HR 4437 proposes, among other things, to make undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. into aggravated felons; to criminalize U.S. citizens and legal residents who have routine contact with undocumented immigrants; to require day laborer centers and other non-profit organizations to verify workers immigration status; to gut judicial review of immigration courts decisions; to make detention of immigrants mandatory; to give the government unfettered discretion to designate individuals as gang members and make immigrants deportable as members of supposed gangs even if they have never violated the law; and,
WHEREAS, The passage of HR 4437 would effectively pre-empt San Franciscos City of Refuge Ordinance and have devastating impact on San Francisco residents, generally, by creating fear, discrimination and abuse of immigrant communities; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, San Francisco affirms its commitment to maintaining and enforcing its City of Refuge Ordinance and INS Raid-Free Zone Resolution; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That San Francisco affirms its commitment to maintain and support a city-funded day laborer program; now, therefore,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the San Francisco Board of Supervisors condemns the passage of HR 4437 in the US House of Representatives; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco urges the US Senate to defeat HR 4437 and all its provisions, and urges Senators Boxer and Feinstein to vote NO on the measure; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City and County of San Francisco urges other local and state governments to condemn the passage of HR 4437 and all its provisions; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the San Francisco Board of Supervisors directs the Clerk of the Board to send copies of this resolution to Federal representatives: Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, and Congressman Tom Lantos.
For more information about immigrant rights struggles and updates on immigration legislation visit the .
- Tags:
- Immigrant Rights
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