In other words, democracy

BY:Zach Carlson, Cori Marshall And Scott Hiley| July 26, 2019
In other words, democracy

In this episode, recorded at CPUSA’s 31st National Convention, Zach, Cori, and Scott examine our party’s decision-making process.  ‘Democratic centralism’ is the technical term in Marxism-Leninism, but it’s just working class democracy: a process of open deliberation leading to united action.  How is it different from capitalist democracy and what does it look like in practice?  Listen to find out.


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For more on this topic, check out John Bachtell’s summary of how CPUSA elects its leadership.




    Zach is chair of the Illinois Bloomington-Normal club. He holds a Master’s of Science in History with a focus on 20th Century left, labor, and party history. He is also a union delegate with the Chicago IWW.

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