Brazil: Communist Party of Brazil prepares to right-wing developments
The National Political Commission of the Communist Party of Brazil (Partido Comunista do Brasil, or PC do B) met in São Paulo on November 11 to “discuss the political scenario”. National Party Chair Luciana Santos made a presentation about the international and national political situation with its growing right wing tendency, the struggle against threats to workers’ rights, and the need to return to the struggle for democracy and Brazilian national sovereignty.
After the “constitutional coup” which removed democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff and replaced her with an extreme right wing government, the left also suffered losses in municipal elections. Comrade Santos related these developments to the worldwide crisis of the capitalist system, and called for increased struggle in defense of working-class gains.
Spain: Communists launch campaign against precarious employment
The Communist Party of Spain (PCE) is calling for a campaign against the trend toward “precarious” employment (contingent labor) , a worldwide pattern which is hitting Spain hard. The Spanish communists accuse international institutions (such as the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission etc.) of promoting neoliberal formulae, such as precarious work (work without long term guarantees of employment, without union rights etc.) as a model which allows “a minority…can go on accumulating wealth” to the detriment of the working majority.
The Communist Party is preparing a calendar of activities, including social media campaigns to propagate its ideas on the subject.
South Africa: Communists deplores that conspirator in Hani murder died without talking
On November 3, the South African Communist Party (SACP) issued a statement that Clive Derby-Lewis, a convicted conspirator in the April, 1993 assassination of SACP General Secretary Chris Hani, has died without revealing crucial information about the circumstances of the murder or the role others may have played. Hani was shot to death by Janusz Walus, who had been provided a pistol for the purpose by Derby-Lewis. Both Walusz and Derby Lewis were right wing extremists violently opposed to the end of the apartheid system. Both were initially sentenced to death for the Hani murder, but the sentences were commuted to life imprisonment when the death penalty was subsequently abolished.
The SACP statement reads, in part “It is also unfortunate that Derby Lewis died without disclosing all the circumstances under which Comrade Chris Hani was assassinates, so that the likes of Derby-Lewis will never perish without the truth coming out. The SACP will discuss whether to call for a further inquiry into the Hani murder at its next Central Committee meeting December 2 to 4.
Iraq: Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan holds its 6th Party Conference
On October 27-30, the Kurdistan Communist Party held its 6th Party Conference in Erbil, Iraq. The theme of the theme of the conference was stated as to “strengthen the party ranks and defend the rights and lives of the masses and [for] national unity and the right to self-determination”. The conference was addressed by Hamid Majid Moussa, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, who also stressed the theme of defending social justice, national unity and the right of self-determination.
The Kurdistan Communist Party is the party of Iraqi Kurdistan, the presence of Hamid Masjid Moussa is a signal of cooperation between it and the Iraqi Communist Party.