At this time of crisis in Iraq, the Communist Party USA, meeting at its 30th National Convention in Chicago, stands in solidarity with the Iraqi people, democratic forces and Communists in their struggle against terrorism and sectarianism, and for national unity, peace, democracy and social progress.
The U.S. government, with its disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq, bears a heavy responsibility for destroying Iraq’s economic, social and political infrastructure and creating a political system founded on religious and ethnic sectarianism and strife, with a government incapable even of defending itself against terrorism.
The U.S. therefore has a responsibility to help the Iraqi people in their struggle to defeat the terrorism that is ravaging their country and to preserve and rebuild their nation, but any aid must in no way bolster authoritarianism and sectarianism.
We call on our government to help the Iraqi people restore democracy and national unity by empowering the well-recognized democratic forces of Iraq’s civil society, its trade unions and other civil society organizations that the U.S. earlier ignored and sidelined, including Iraq’s widely respected Communist Party.
And we extend a special hand of solidarity to the heroic Iraqi Communists in their difficult struggle for a peaceful, democratic, united Iraq with social justice for all its citizens.
Adopted unanimously by the 30th National Convention
Communist Party USA
June 14, 2014, Chicago, Illinois
PHOTO: By Christiaan Briggs (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons