Lenin’s State and Revolution has become a Marxist classic. Written while in hiding in August of 1917 it brings forward the Marxist theory of the state with particular attention to Russia. During the course of the 20th century the capitalist state has grown significantly in scope, role and function. What are there differences between the state during Lenin’s time and today? What are the similarities? Most importantly how will these views affect how the working-class and revolutionary movement views the state in the period leading up to and after the working class conquest of political power? Will new forms of state power emerge or will the existing institutions be transformed?
The overall goal of this webinar is to encourage thinking about what socialism in the US might look like. Lenin’s State and Revolution has long been a guide to Marxist discussion of a socialist state. We’re going to look into this text and see what it has to say to us today. We’ll start with a review of the key points in the book and move on to discuss what relevance they may have as we look forward to a socialist future.