Minneapolis City Council passes veto-proof ceasefire resolution

BY:Twin Cities Club, MN CPUSA| January 26, 2024
Minneapolis City Council passes veto-proof ceasefire resolution


On Thursday, Jan. 25, the Minneapolis Ceasefire and Divestment Resolution, one of the most progressive in the country, passed with a 9–3 veto-proof majority!

Since the onset of 2024, the Minneapolis City Council has been considering a historic Ceasefire and Divestment resolution. Comrades from the Twin Cities club and Minnesota–Dakotas district have joined students, peace activists, labor unions, and community members at several city council meetings in January calling for the city council to pass the resolution.

This week on Tuesday, January 23rd, the Minneapolis Committee of the Whole met to debate the language of the Ceasefire and Divestment resolution, which was amended eight times on Tuesday in front of crowds overflowing with supporters of Palestinian human rights.

The amendments proposed on Tuesday strengthened the original resolution proposed during the January 8th, 2024 meeting of the city council, which included the introduction of language specifically focused on divesting from Israel’s genocide.

The resolution, which passed today in its amended form, is considered one of the most comprehensive in the nation. It calls for an immediate and permanent cease-fire; humanitarian aid; an end to U.S. military funding to Israel; and the release of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas and the release of Palestinians held in Israeli military prisons.

Comrades from the Twin Cities club participated at all city council meetings, passing out approximately 100 copies of the CPUSA Peace Toolkit, and wrote and called our city council members throughout the month of January to convince them of the importance of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

In Minneapolis, we are proud to join several other major U.S. cities that have also passed ceasefire resolutions, including San Francisco, Atlanta, and Detroit, and will continue our work for peace and international working-class solidarity.

Images: Cover photo: Ceasefire activists react to the advancing of Minneapolis’ ceasefire resolution by Robin4mpls (Twitter/X); slideshow photos: Twin Cities club


    Twin Cities Club, MN CPUSA

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