The dire consequences of the Trump administration’s corporate policies are evident and escalating. They reflect the crisis of capitalism globally.
The cruelty and human rights abuses, the racism, white supremacy and misogyny against immigrants and elected officials of color, along with all out attacks on workers rights are life threatening.
At the same time the resistance is growing, and political shifts are developing. Communities and entire states are challenging Trump and the extreme right in the courts, legislatively, and on the streets.
The ultimate resistance is to build a massive united front to defeat Trump and his Republican cohorts and their fascist oriented policies in the 2020 elections.
The goal must be to reject the racism and build unity for 2020 to dump the Trumpites and elect those who will carry forward a pro-worker and pro-people green jobs, equality and peace agenda.
The election will be fought and won at the local level, door-to-door and in community conversations and actions. The election will be won based on a massive turnout, building upon 2018.
The Communist Party is called upon to up the ante, and make our very best contribution possible ideologically and organizationally.
With that in mind, a 2020 Pledge Card was developed as a tool that can be used in a variety of ways depending on what fits for any particular club or area. It is a national project that can be shaped locally.
It is in English at the top, Spanish at the bottom, with a bi-lingual sign up in the middle. It says: “United Action Voter Pledge Card. Impeach Now or Dump Trump in 2020. It’s time to stop all the attacks on working people, the poor, immigrants, people of color, women, LGBTQ and youth! As Trump and his rich friends get richer and the rest of us pay more for everything, Now is the time to organize, register voters and make the change to put people and planet before profits! If you have had enough join in united action. Participate with issue organizing and voter registration for 2020. Sponsored by Communist Party USA and People’s World.”
The pledge card can be used door-to-door, at rallies, events, with family and friends. The goal is to bring people into activity for voter registration, and organizing around community needs, to help get out the vote. Each club can plan out mobilization activities that make sense for it, and invite those who sign up to take part. Those who sign up can receive People’s World headlines by e-mail.
An on-line social media component will be developed.
The 2020 Pledge Card is a tool to carry forward the call from our 31st national convention to build broad multi-racial, multi-generational working class and peoples unity and build our Party.
There are practical matters to be decided regarding printing and distribution in order to launch the project at the September regional and local 100th anniversary events.
The proposal was developed in the Political Action Commission and with Jarvis Tyner. It initiated with the Hartford Service Workers Club in Connecticut.