The following “Principles for an Emergency Relief Unity Program” has been issued by the CPUSA.
The pandemic and the crisis millions are facing have revealed that the status quo is not sustainable. Bold, transformative action is urgently required to meet the emergency needs of working-class people, especially essential frontline workers and those suddenly unemployed — disproportionately low-wage, Black, Latinx, Native, Asian Pacific, and women who have been hit the hardest.
We join with the diverse grassroots movements across this country to demand dignity and economic relief. No one should be wanting for food, water, shelter, energy, or healthcare in our country with all its wealth. No one should have to live in fear of eviction or of police violence or of ICE.
The immediate demand is passage of the full $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package. Attempts by corporate and white supremacist forces to obstruct funding must be blocked in favor of funding states and municipalities, raising the minimum wage, expanding unemployment relief, and so much more.
The extraordinary united fight in the elections now must continue on in the streets and in local legislative bodies to force Congress to act in favor of all those in the multi-racial working class.
We embrace the Workers First Agenda put forward by the AFL-CIO, including the PRO Act to remove barriers to workers organizing into unions, massive green infrastructure job creation, and racial justice equity.
We embrace the People’s Agenda of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Poor People’s Campaign, including legislation to dismantle racism, restore and expand the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, enact statehood for the District of Columbia, create a just immigration system, hold corporations accountable, and shift funds from military to human needs.
Further, we stand on the principles that employment, housing, healthcare, education, energy, and freedom from racism and discrimination are basic human rights for all regardless of country of origin, including:
- Declare a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures with rent and mortgage relief and payment of back rent and mortgages for those unable to work due to the pandemic.
- Declare a moratorium and forgiveness of student debt, and create free higher education.
- Declare a climate crisis emergency and prioritize rebuilding sustainable infrastructure across our country to create millions of jobs with a just transition and ensure clean water, lead-free affordable housing, transit, internet access, and social service infrastructure including child care.
- Declare racism as a public health crisis with concrete compensatory measures to end systemic racism and create equity in all aspects of life, including $15 minimum wage and relief to all regardless of immigration status.
- Declare healthcare as a human right, invest in healthcare infrastructure, and enact Medicare for All as a step toward a national health system.
- Declare emergency pandemic budget priorities that eliminate corruption by wealthy corporations, and shift funds from the military budget to states and municipalities for human needs. Close loopholes and raise taxes on the rich and large corporations to levels of the 1960s.
We recognize the truth that greed, racism, and war are built into the capitalist system. This is a time in history when fundamental advances can be won. Every struggle waged is a step toward replacing capitalism with socialism and expanding democracy. Join with us in a united struggle for people and planet before profits.
Image: Anthony Crider (CC BY 2.0).