The show down between the Bush administration and the Congress to stop the escalation continues. Now the fight begins in the House of Representatives!
The majority of people in our country oppose the escalation. The Congress, at every turn must hear the strong and urgent support of the grassroots to rebuke Bushs policy of escalation and pave the way to pass legislation to end the war.
Congress will debate a non-binding resolution opposing the escalation next week. We urge all clubs to immediately organize calls to their members of the House of Representatives. Call the congressional switchboard (202) 224-3121 to reach your congressperson. You can find the local office phone numbers as well as email information at your congressperson’s web site. To find your congressperson’s website, go to http://www.house.gov and enter in your 9-digit zip code. If you don’t know the last 4 digits of your zip code, you can find it out here: http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp
We urge labor, peace and community activists to initiate calls as well. Preparations are being made for a huge national call in day on the first day of the debate. A toll free number will be available which can be passed on. But now is the time to get the grassroots rumble started to say: Congress: Stop the escalation!