This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party’s program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors
The only remedy against a highly organized ruling class is a highly organized Communist Party. The fascist MAGA right is becoming more coordinated and resource-expansive by the day. While we do not have the same access to funds as they do, there are steps we can take to compensate for this.
Struggles within the Struggle
The Party Program states, “Grassroots Communist Party clubs are vital to bringing the Party’s vision, strategy, and tactics into local work with masses of working people.” As a member of a newer, smaller club, however, we are often unable to carry out the vision of the party. Skills such as graphic design and experience in organizing demonstrations are often hard to come by. As we attract new members, many are unable to pick up new skills as they are limited by the daily grind of this capitalist dystopia. A century of red scares and the anti-communist rhetoric accompanying the new Cold War yield additional obstacles for the rebuilding of our party. To rise above these challenges, we need to play a more active role in the formation and growth stages of our clubs.
Unified Action, Amplified Power
While districts and clubs know best what is going on on the ground, a nationwide approach is often most efficient for issues concerning all working-class Americans. For instance, clubs rallying against a councilperson’s introduction of a pro-landlord bill do not require actions in other states. But what about the climate crisis or the nationwide assault on transgender people? The party frequently calls on its members to take to the streets and do what we can for the issues at hand. While these calls to action are vital, it is the campaigns that mobilize tens of thousands of Americans simultaneously, rallying under a unified message that organizes communities and pressures politicians the most. To uplift this point, I would like to make note of what I have observed since the beginning of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. A chapter of a national organization has been one of the primary organizers of pro-Palestine actions in my area. The protests and actions undertaken are not entirely organized by the chapter itself. The graphics they use and the days they march are uniform across every chapter nationwide. This level of cohesion between all of their chapters has allowed them and the ceasefire movement to apply maximal pressure on the ruling class. The efficacy of this approach is evident as more lawmakers across the country call for a ceasefire, thousands continue to march in the streets, they receive exponential gains in their social media reach, and their number of members grow. We should adopt a similar approach. As a party of, by, and for the working class, the CPUSA has the duty to lead the charge for democracy, peace, jobs, equality, and socialism in collaboration with labor and the people’s movements.
Proposals for the Road Ahead
With everything said, I would like to submit the following proposals before members of the Communist Party USA and the National Committee:
- In order to most effectively carry out the mission of the CPUSA, it would be best practice for national departments to work with districts and clubs on a case-by-case basis and, bearing the capacity and resources of the party in mind, ensure that clubs have what they need to rebuild and promulgate the party’s mission.
- A list of all members within a district’s boundaries should be provided to the district leadership to ensure that all members of the party, particularly those who are not known to the local clubs, can be involved.
- Conduct regular online training sessions to equip party members with essential organizing skills such as how to organize protests, mobilize people to vote, public speaking, etc. Supplemental training should be held for club and district leaders to advise them on the behind-the-scenes of actions such as laws surrounding protests, how to coordinate with organizations, potential costs and resources needed, etc.
- A provision should be added to Article VII, Section 1 of the CPUSA Constitution stating that the National Committee reserves the authority to mobilize a nationwide campaign. In conjunction with district leaders and grassroots organizations dedicated to the issues relevant to the campaign, the National Committee shall make comprehensive plans with defined goals, messaging, targets, timelines, modes of protest, and days of action. It is up to the districts and clubs to carry out the tasks of the campaign and apply them to local conditions.
- Relevant national departments and committees shall provide clubs and districts with the resources they need to organize on-the-ground actions that are consistent with the party nationwide for aforementioned campaigns. These resources include social media graphics, protest signs, talking points for speeches, lists of supplies, etc.
- During and after a campaign called on by the National Committee, clubs and districts shall submit assessments to the National Committee to report if goals are being met in the given timeframe, the limitations they face in carrying out the campaign, and what they need to ameliorate any limitations. These assessments shall determine the course of the campaign and be used as case studies going forward.
As November approaches, the party must evaluate how effective it is in opposing the MAGA right. I am not suggesting that we act on our own or inflate our strength. We are not at the capacity to call ourselves the vanguard of the working class (yet). However, we cannot gain the trust of left and center circles by simply offering a helping hand. People tend not to join organizations that primarily play a support role. We must show our allies in the broad people’s movements that we are willing to pick up the torch in their struggles. By helping lead movements on relevant issues we will build a mass, revolutionary party. This, however, will only be possible when all levels of the party are equipped with the skills and tools necessary for this. Thank you for reading this submission, onwards to the 32nd National Convention!